Norton College
Norton College is an 11-19 academy with a comprehensive intake. It was opened in 1963 and our present site has grown to meet our needs. Approximately 800 pupils attend the College, with pupils being drawn from the town of Norton as well as surrounding villages. In recent years more students are travelling from the Coast on subsidised transport to access a successful school with a Sixth Form. Many parents from across Ryedale now choose Norton College.
On the strength of examination results and commitment to our ASPIRE values, Ofsted evaluated Norton College as a ‘Good’ school in 2013, and confirmed this judgement in a short inspection in September 2017. The College is known for its outstanding curriculum, which balances traditional academic GCSE and A level courses with successful applied learning courses. In the last few years, the College has added to its GCSE and A level provision and caters for all types of learners. It has a history of examination success, good attendance, high quality learning and teaching, and a ‘family’ feel which is highly valued by parents and students alike.